handpicked works with some of Malta's best restaurants to provide guests with memorable dining experiences.




Design, content, photography and even operations need curation to be distinguished.

commercial sensitivity

The artsy part of our work is fun, yet we appreciate that entrepreneurs want to run businesses that make commercial sense

CoNcept Development

Sometimes it is a new restaurant, other times it could be a new idea for a food and beverage outlet.

Bringing the best out of the team


As consultants we do not have any magical wands. We have the experience and the knowledge that we use together with the owners and their teams.
Our most successful projects are a result of deep collaboration with the management.



We invoke our clients to support all they do with authentic stories.


From when we are young, we are told stories all the time. Stories help us remember a character, an idea, a location. This is why we invoke and assist our clients to support their brand, their dishes, the whole experience with a strong authentic story.


Never banal


Be it in the plate, on the table, on the floor, on the wall, on the web, or even in service, art will add extra layers of value.



Combination of skill sets 


Bringing together Marketing, Hospitality and F&B skill sets allows us to provide clients with a powerful mixture of advice. 


Providing strategic direction and operational advice


A clear strategic direction assists a business to have a defined vision. Developing a concept, ensuring it is feasible, and taking the idea to the market is one of the ways we assist our clients.

Sound operations of a business are key to better service, a better product a more efficient business and finally a healthier financial position.


Creating quality content is key


Our two favourite channels in the hospitality sector are word of mouth and the digital world. To get people talking, the food, beverages, service and ambience must be great. To be successful in the digital channels, creating quality content is essential.


Clients require a tailor made service.


One size does not fit all. Our clients are situated in different locations, appeal to different audiences, are designed differently, cook different food, provide different levels of service, set different budgets, have different ideas, set different objectives and have different dreams.

We take all this into context when providing our services since providing them with a one fit option would be a disservice.